
Application development

See This Document for instructions on how to set up a basic iFrame app.

AnuraOS Apps

AnuraOS apps are simple creatures. They live inside folders with the suffix .app and the resources specific to each app are contained within that folder.


Each app contains a manifest.json, which defines the functionality of the app. See manifest.json.example.

Including Dreamland

dreamland.js is a reactive JSX-inspired rendering library with no virtual dom and no build step. You can find the source code here and the documentation here.

AnuraOS itself uses dreamland for the desktop environment, and you can use it in your apps as well. To include dreamland in your app, you can add the following to the head section of your index.html file:

<script src="/dreamland/js.js"></script>
<script src="/dreamland/css.js"></script>
<script src="/dreamland/html.js"></script>

While dreamland itself includes a $store function for preserving state between page reloads, this function is not available by default. Instead, you can use the anura.persistence library to build a $store function bound to your app instance.

const { buildLoader } = await anura.import("anura.persistence");
const loader = buildLoader(anura);
await loader.locate();

const persistence = await;
const $store = persistence.createStoreFn(stateful, instanceWindow);

let persistentState = await $store(
        count: 0,

let externalState = stateful({
    count: 0,

function App() {
    return (
                on:click={() => {
            <div>Persistent: {use(persistentState.count)}</div>
            <div>Session: {use(externalState.count)}</div>

document.body.appendChild(<App />);

A demo app using dreamland can be found here. This app is the same as the $store example above, but using the html tag function instead of JSX to demonstrate that dreamland can be used without a build step.

AnuraOS Libraries

AnuraOS libraries are just like apps but contain utilities or functionality that other apps could import and use. They live inside folders with the suffix .lib and the resources specific to each app are contained within that folder.



anura.import("anura.examplelib@1.0.0").then((lib) => {
    // Do stuff with the library.
let lib = await anura.import("anura.examplelib");
// Do stuff with the library.

System Libraries

Anura has a assortment of preinstalled system libraries to streamline the developer experience. This part of the documentation outlines how to use them in your application using the anura.import api.


This library allows you to interact with Anura’s browser. Instead of using in your anura apps, using this API will ensure that the webpage will open up in the Anura Browser.


const browser = await anura.import("anura.libbrowser");



This library allows you to select files from inside of anura’s filesystem. It returns a path and supports both files and folders.

let picker = await anura.import("anura.filepicker");
// select file of any type
let file = await picker.selectFile();
// regex supported
let fileWithFilter = await picker.selectFile(
// select folder
let folder = await picker.selectFolder();


This library allows you to create and manage persistent data stores. It uses the anura filesystem to store data.

The default storage backend uses the same format as the anura.settings api, except that it is stored in a file related to the app’s data directory instead of in the root settings file. The persistence library also has the ability to be turned into a proxy object that will automatically save changes to the persistence store.

let persist = await anura.import("anura.persistence");
let loader = persist.buildLoader(anura);
await loader.locate();
// instance is a global variable in external apps that contains the app's instance
let persistence = await;

// set a value
await persistence.set("key", "value");

// get a value
let value = await persistence.get("key");

// Create a proxy that will automatically save changes to the persistence store
let proxy = persistence.toProxy();

// set a value
// Notice that setting a value on an object is not an async operation, but the value will be
// saved to the persistence store asynchronously. This can cause issues if you are trying to
// read the value immediately after setting it. If you need to read the value immediately
// after setting it, you should avoid using the proxy and use the `set` method instead.
proxy.key = "value";

// get a value
// Here the value returned is a promise, so you need to use `await` or `.then` to get the value.
let value = await proxy.key;