
Security Blueprint

This Document will explain what and how security features are implemented in AnuraOS.

Secure Math

In Anura, when coding in a cryptographic/security sensitive context, we replace Math.random() with our own function cryptoRandom(). cryptoRandom() is a direct replacement for Math.random() and the two are fully interchangeable. If you would like to implement cryptoRandom() you can use the following steps(for TypeScript):

  1. If not already installed, run npm install @types/node
  2. Add import * as crypto from "crypto"; to the head of whatever file in which you would like to replace Math.random()
  3. Add the following function to your code:
function cryptoRandom() {
    const typedArray = new Uint8Array(1);
    const randomValue = crypto.getRandomValues(typedArray)[0];
    const randomFloat = randomValue / Math.pow(2, 8);
    return randomFloat;
  1. You can now replace Math.random() anywhere in your code with cryptoRandom().