Google Drive Clone :file_folder:

A clone of the Google Drive along with all the link public sharing options and access features.
To Dos
Feature set
- Render general folder and file browsing.
- General login/signup.
- Path view at the top.
- Search (all fiies/folders) feature.
- Advanced features:
- By color
- By type (:file, folder, extension)
- Includes trashed items
- Trash feature
- Options in Side bar:
- New (see for options below)
- Shared with me
- Starred
- Trash
- Settings:
- View:
- Theme
- Show context options when right clicked at any places (on blank area, on a folder, on a file).
- When clicked on blank area:
- Shows options for upload/create:
- Create folder
- Upload files
- Upload folder
- Show navigation options:
- Go to parent folder.
- Go to home.
- When clicked on a file:
- Shows the following options:
- Share
- Get shareable link
- Move to
- Copy to
- Star
- Rename
- Delete
- Download
- Show details
- When clicked on a folder:
- Shows the following options:
- Share
- Get shareable link
- Move to
- Copy to
- Star
- Rename
- Delete
- Download
- Change color
- Show details
- Show upload/create options for file/folders.